Alagoz Hukuk

Organized Industrial Zones Law

Alagöz Hukuk

Organized Industrial Zones Law

  • Establishment of companies that will operate within the OIZ and all related registration procedures.
  • Management of the process of obtaining all licenses and permits required for production in the OIZ.
  • Determining the zoning status of the parcels within the OIZ and obtaining the necessary zoning permits.
  • Preparation and review of contracts for the lease or sale of parcels within the OIZ.
  • Preparation and examination of the commitment agreements to be made by the investors with the OIZ management.
  • Providing legal support for the resolution of any disputes arising in relation to the OIZ management.
  • Providing legal support in tax inspections conducted for OIZs.
    Filing objections regarding unfairly withheld taxes.
  • Management of the process of obtaining the necessary permits for the environmental impact of OIZs.
  • Ensuring that OIZs operate in accordance with environmental legislation.
  • Preparation and review of labor contracts to be made with workers working in the OIZ.
  • Providing legal support in the process of collective bargaining agreements with unions within the OIZ.

Bize Her Zaman Güvenebilirsiniz

Gelişmeye ve büyümeye odaklanmanızı sağlayacak güvenilir ve etkili çözümler sunuyoruz.
Deneyimimizle, karmaşık hukuki ihtiyaçlarınıza özel ve verimli çözümler sunuyoruz.
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