Alagoz Hukuk

Mehmet Zeki Alagöz

Even in cases considered insoluble, there are always details a careful and experienced attorney can see to find a way out.


Mehmet Zeki Alagöz

Attorney Mehmet Zeki Alagöz is the founder and managing director of Alagöz Law Firm.

Attorney Mehmet Zeki Alagöz provides reliable and result-oriented solutions in the most complex legal processes to his domestic and international clients operating in various sectors, with years of experience in all areas of law, particularly corporate law, commercial law, enforcement and bankruptcy law, construction and real estate law, insurance law, economic crimes, customs law, mergers and acquisitions law, intellectual and industrial property law, administrative law, tax law, information technology and electronic commerce law, and energy and natural resources law.

Attorney Mehmet Zeki Alagöz began his legal career in the field of real estate law and has become a go-to figure for resolving complex legal issues over the years. The principle of “there is always another way” based on a holistic and comprehensive legal perspective, forms the foundation of Mehmet Zeki Alagöz’s working principles when cases and disputes become unsolvable and increasingly complex.

Mehmet Zeki Alagöz

Attorney Mehmet Zeki Alagöz has provided legal consultancy services in numerous large-scale projects involving national and international entrepreneurs, covering the design, financing, implementation, and post-implementation phases of the projects. He has particularly offered legal consultancy in the establishment and management of legal infrastructures for joint ventures, consortia, and project-specific companies, which are often required in multi-party and large-scale projects.

In this context, he manages the preparation of confidentiality agreements, letters of intent, Due Diligence reports, tax planning, post-acquisition integration, reorganization after share transfers, and the resolution, structuring, and negotiation of disputes arising from mergers and acquisitions.

In the field of Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law, Attorney Mehmet Zeki Alagöz has provided support to numerous individual and corporate clients, as well as legal professionals, both nationally and internationally. His services include the legal assessment, identification, and reporting of claims, negotiation with debtors regarding claims, restructuring of debts, legal consultancy on debt collection, making necessary applications to judicial and administrative authorities for debt collection, and the sale of claims, along with many other aspects of enforcement and bankruptcy law. His areas of expertise include seizure proceedings, objections to debt and enforcement, lawsuits for the annulment of objections, actions for the removal of objections, negative declaratory actions, restitution claims, the collection of checks, promissory notes, and bills of exchange, eviction lawsuits for leased properties, obtaining provisional attachment orders, lawsuits for bounced checks, bankruptcy procedures, bankruptcy postponement cases, trustee abuse lawsuits, and similar services related to enforcement and bankruptcy law.

In the field of real estate and zoning law, Attorney Mehmet Zeki Alagöz has provided legal consultancy and attorney services to both public authorities and private project developers, particularly in the project-focused development of public [treasury/municipality] and foundation lands [sale/lease, etc.], throughout the entire tender, development, construction, and operation phases. Additionally, he has provided and continues to provide consultancy services in the legal structuring of large-scale and multi-purpose real estate investments, such as shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, and others, including the establishment and legal implementation of usufruct/easement rights and all other surface rights, the creation of management plans, the drafting of construction contracts based on land share and revenue sharing, and the development of urban transformation projects.

He specializes in disputes encountered in the field of real estate law that relate to zoning law, including zoning plans and amendments, annulment of zoning implementations [parceling], expropriation and compensation lawsuits, illegal construction and demolition lawsuits, disputes arising from historical buildings and protected sites, and lawsuits for the annulment of zoning implementations.

In the field of Construction and Real Estate Law, it provides services with its many years of experience in the preparation, negotiation, review, and implementation of local and international real estate purchase, sale, and lease agreements, as well as in the establishment of the legal infrastructure for energy, tourism, health, education, and transportation projects under the build-operate-transfer model, and the preparation and review of necessary contracts, and the management and oversight of these processes.

Specializing in Energy Law, Natural Resources [water and geothermal resources] Law, Petroleum Law, and Mining Law, they have represented their clients in matters related to regulations in these fields, including licensing applications submitted to regulatory and supervisory bodies such as the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), the General Directorate of Mining Affairs, and the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), as well as in cases involving the annulment of administrative sanctions. Additionally, they have provided legal services and prepared due diligence reports for their international clients participating in privatization tenders in the energy sector.

You Can Always Trust Us

We offer reliable and effective solutions that enable you to focus on growth and development.
With our experience, we provide tailored and efficient solutions to your complex legal needs.

He has provided legal consultancy services to both private entrepreneurs and public institutions/organizations during the establishment phases of regions and structures related to Organized Industrial Zones Law, Expropriation Law, Port Law, Industrial Law, and Environmental Law. He has also offered legal consultancy services in various processes such as applications, obtaining permits, licenses, and other related procedures from the establishment to the operational phase of many organized industrial and technology zones established in our country. Additionally, during the initial establishment phases of these zones, he has provided legal representation in expropriation law matters for both public authorities and private individuals involved in disputes.

Since the founding of Alagöz Law Office, Mehmet Zeki Alagöz has provided consultancy and legal services in specific areas of law, especially in tax law, as well as foreign trade and customs law, for both national and international clients. His expertise includes tax audits, managing tax litigation, and solving complex legal problems that arise during import-export transactions.

Mehmet Zeki Alagöz not only provides consultancy and legal services to his clients but also stands out in the field by offering dispute and litigation management consultancy to attorneys and legal professionals across all areas of law.

Mehmet Zeki Alagöz’s expertise is built on helping entrepreneurs and businesses succeed. With a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving, he offers consultancy services not only to individual clients but also to attorneys and legal professionals as a solutions hub.

Alagöz Law is consulted not only for legal expertise but also for advice on critical commercial matters and seemingly unsolvable cases. With his high-level experience in both commercial fields and administrative and regulatory practices, Mehmet Zeki Alagöz provides consultancy services to make reaching your goals easier and more efficient.

Attorney Mehmet Zeki Alagöz has developed Alagöz Law’s unique system to ensure that attorneys and clients can access accurate, accessible, efficient, and effective legal solutions.

At Alagöz Law, we believe in the power of collaboration, confidentiality, professional solidarity, and teamwork. Thus, working with transparency and accessibility forms one of our core principles.

With his many years of experience, Attorney Mehmet Zeki Alagöz operates on the principle that “Even in cases considered insoluble, there are always details a careful and experienced attorney can see to find a way out.” His goal is to help you focus on growth and development, even when faced with the most complex issues.

“Even in cases considered insoluble, there are always details a careful and experienced attorney can see to find a way out.”

Contact With Us

We can be the solution to all your problems.

You can reach out to us for legal support or consultancy. We are here to offer you the most suitable solutions and to stand by your side in all your legal processes. Whether individual or corporate, our expert team is ready to provide you with the best guidance for any legal issue you may encounter. We are committed to answering your questions and meeting your needs in the best possible way. Trust us, and let’s work together to achieve the best outcome.